WORDS MATTER with Deanna Ley

"Change The Way You Look At Things"

Deanna Ley Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode of WORDS MATTER, Deanna Ley, The Catalytic Coach, explores the profound impact of perspective and how shifting the way we look at things can change everything.

Inspired by Wayne Dyer’s quote, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change,” Deanna shares a personal story about overcoming frustration and spiraling thoughts by grounding herself in the present and choosing to look up - literally and figuratively.

This episode is a reminder to root yourself in what’s real, shift away from unrealistic expectations, and anchor yourself in the moment to regain clarity and strength.

What Listeners Will Learn:
• The power of perspective and how it shapes our thoughts and actions.
• How to break free from spiraling thoughts by grounding yourself in the present.
• Why focusing on “what is” instead of “what should be” can lead to greater clarity and peace.
• Two key questions to ask when feeling overwhelmed: “What am I focusing on right now?” and “What is true in this moment?”
• How words shape perspective, choices, and growth.

Memorable Quotes:
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”
“Perspective isn’t just about seeing things differently—it’s about rooting yourself in what actually is.”
“I grow through what I go through when I choose to.”

This episode encourages listeners to pause, shift their perspective, and find strength and growth in the present moment.



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Hello, hello, and welcome back! I'm so excited to chat with you again on this episode of WORDS MATTER because today, I want to talk about something we all need to shift from time to time: our perspective. Wayne Dyer once said, Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change. Sounds simple, right? Of course, Wayne—no problem! But in practice, it can feel anything but easy.

How do you actually change the way you look at something when you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated? How about when you're spiraling? I'm going to share a real personal moment that happened to me last weekend, so buckle up, friends. Right now, what's going on in my life is what I call the "messy middle."

I have a lot of things in my life right now that have been in constant flux—lots of changes and challenges over the last couple of months. And for some reason, they're all converging at once. Usually, I don't mind an uphill battle. I'm a hiker, and I love going uphill—much better than downhill. I also know that's where grit and tenacity are built. But last weekend, my brain decided it wanted to battle all my uphills at once.

To be honest, my mood had been building for quite a while, slowly bubbling beneath the surface. I have a lot of tools in my tool belt—things I've gathered over the years that usually help me keep moods like this at bay. Normally, I can manage those thoughts before they take over and consume me from the inside out. But not that day. Nope, that day, everything decided to converge.

One thought piled on top of the next until I was spiraling. I found myself in this frustrating gap between what my expectations were for where my life "should" be and the reality of where it was. That gap was big. So big that my mood got unbearable—not just for those around me but even for myself.

But here's what happened. I had just finished up some yard work because yard work always tends to calm my brain. I decided to take a pause. I stood under this tree in our backyard—one I've walked past countless times while mowing the lawn, one I've admired from afar but never really given much thought. For some reason, I walked up to the base of that tree and, instead of just looking at it, I chose to look up.

I let my eyes trace its thick trunk, feeling the solid roots beneath my feet. I looked at the bold way its branches stretched toward the sky with their beautiful fall-colored leaves. And in that moment, my thoughts began to shift. The frustrations of the day didn't vanish, but their weight felt a lot lighter. I stopped spiraling. I became steady, rooted, and ready to move forward again.

That tree reminded me of one of my favorite quotes I work hard to live by: I grow through what I go through when I choose to. We'll dive deeper into that quote next week. But today, I want to focus on what that moment taught me about perspective.

Perspective isn't just about seeing things differently. It's about rooting yourself in what actually is and choosing to look up, even when life feels overwhelming or uncertain. It's about being grounded in the present—not in our expectations. And that grounding gives us the strength to rise, grow, and meet our challenges head-on.

So how can you put this shift into practice? The next time you feel stuck or overwhelmed, pause. Just take a break. If you can, step outside. Find something steady—a tree, a patch of grass—and feel the solid ground beneath your feet. Let it remind you to root yourself in this moment. Then physically look up. Let the act of shifting your gaze help shift your thoughts.

If stepping outside isn't an option, close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Imagine yourself as that tree—rooted, steady, strong. Let the chaos fade as you anchor yourself in what's true right now. This moment. This breath. This choice.

From now on, when I find myself spiraling, I'm going to ask myself two questions: What am I focusing on right now? and What is true in this moment? I know these two questions will help pull me out of the "shoulds"—I should do this, I should have done that—and shift me back into the reality of what's actually within my control.

Wayne Dyer was right: Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change. It's easy to focus on what's not working or how things aren't measuring up to your expectations. But when we pause and shift how we see a situation, everything changes.

I hope you know, friends, that the words we see, read, hear, and say to ourselves about who we are, what we're doing, and how we're doing it—they all matter. They shape our perspective, our choices, and our growth. All those WORDS MATTER, friends, because YOU MATTER. Have a great day.

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