WORDS MATTER with Deanna Ley

“The Magic In New Beginnings Is Truly The Most Powerful Of Them All.”

Deanna Ley Season 1 Episode 7

Every ending is an opportunity for a fresh start. In this episode of WORDS MATTER, Deanna Ley, The Catalytic Coach, dives into Josiyah Martin’s inspiring quote: “The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.”

As we reflect on the end of one year and the beginning of another, Deanna reminds us that new beginnings don’t have to wait for a date on the calendar. They can start right now—with your next choice, your next breath. Through relatable stories and practical tools, she explores how small, intentional actions create powerful momentum, helping us step boldly into the life we want to build.

What Listeners Will Learn:
• Why new beginnings don’t require perfection—just one small step.
• How to let go of what no longer serves you and move forward lighter and freer.
• The power of rewiring your brain through action to create lasting change.
• How Deanna’s I CHOOSE ME Challenge empowers women to reclaim their health and step into their Possible.
• Practical ideas for starting fresh today, no matter where you are.

Memorable Quotes:
“The magic isn’t in knowing exactly where your path will lead—it’s in choosing to take the first step anyway.”
“New beginnings aren’t about erasing the past—they’re about carrying forward the lessons and leaving behind the weight.”
“The magic is already within you. You just have to choose to ignite it.”

This episode is a reminder that every single day is an opportunity to start fresh and create the life you’ve dreamed about.

For information on the I CHOOSE ME No Sugar | No Flour 30 Day CHALLENGE or the I CHOOSE ME No Sugar | No Flour CHALLENGE 30 Day Course, visit http://DeannaLey.com and click on the I CHOOSE ME tab.



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Well, hey friends, welcome back to another episode of WORDS MATTER. Today, we're diving into a beautiful quote by Josiyah Martin: “The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.”

As I sit here talking to you on this last day of 2024, I can't help but feel the weight and the wonder of this moment. The end of one year and the beginning of another—it always feels like a natural pause, right? A chance to reflect, to let go, and to step boldly into what's next.

But here's the truth: New beginnings don't have to wait for January 1st, and they don't have to wait for a Monday. They can start now—with your very next choice, with your very next breath.

There’s something undeniably hopeful about the phrase “new beginnings.” It’s a reminder that no matter where we’ve been or what’s happened, we can always choose to start again.

New beginnings aren’t just handed to us, though, friends. We have to step into them. We have to choose them. And that choice—that’s where the magic begins.

Imagine waking up tomorrow with the opportunity to let go of everything that's been weighing you down—your mistakes, your doubts, your fears. Imagine setting them down and stepping forward, away from them. Freer, lighter, ready for what’s next.

That’s the beauty of a new beginning. It’s not about erasing the past but about carrying forward the lessons you want and leaving behind the weight of what no longer serves you.

So let me ask you this: What would it mean for you to let go of the things that have been poking at you, holding you back, or keeping you stuck? What would it mean to you to step boldly into that next chapter of your life today?

For some, a new beginning might look like finally taking that leap into something you’ve been putting off—like writing that book, starting that business, or reaching out to someone you’ve lost touch with.

For others, it might be simpler—carving out time for yourself each morning, committing to moving your body every day, or creating a space in your home that feels peaceful and inspiring.

Here’s what I know to be true: New beginnings often start with small, intentional actions.

We don’t have to overhaul our entire lives overnight. In fact, trying to do that might leave you feeling overwhelmed or even paralyzed. But what we can do—what we must do—is choose one thing, one step, one small action that aligns with the life we want to build.

Because when we take that step, no matter how small, we’re saying, I’m ready. I’m moving forward.

For me, one of those small steps happened in April 2022. That’s when I had a wild idea to create a challenge for women who wanted to take control of their health and heal their relationship with food. I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t have all the answers. But what I did have was my belief in my ability to guide others using the same practical tools I’d used to transform my own life.

In May of that year, I launched my very first I CHOOSE ME Challenge with just 17 women. And I’ll be honest—it was far from perfect. But you know what? It was a start. And that start changed everything.

Fast forward to today, and that little idea has grown into something so much bigger. To date, I’ve guided well over one thousand women through this journey. And the community we’ve built together is nothing short of magical.

What started as a 21-day challenge is now a full 30-day monthly experience where women not only reclaim their health but also learn how to step into their Possible.

I’m also creating a course that will soon be available to everyone, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.

If either of those challenges sounds exciting to you, let me let you in on a little secret: It’s not just about the food. Nope. It’s actually about choosing yourself in every sense of the word—choosing to show up for your life, your dreams, and your future. It’s pretty spectacular when you do. Life-changing, to be honest.

Here’s what I want you to take away from this, friends: You don’t need to have it all figured out to start. You don’t need the perfect plan, the perfect timing, or the perfect circumstances. You just need to take one step.

That step could be as simple as writing down a dream you’ve been holding on to or taking five minutes today to reflect on what you really want for yourself.

The magic isn’t in knowing exactly where your path will lead—it’s in choosing to take the first step anyway.

And here’s something else I want to share: Our brains aren’t naturally wired for success. They’re wired for safety and survival. They want to keep us in the familiar, even if the familiar is holding us back. But every time we take a step, every time we choose to act, every time we move forward, we begin to rewire those patterns.

We show our brains what’s possible. And with every single one of those actions, we build momentum.

So let me ask you this: What does a new beginning look like for you? What’s one small step you can take today to move closer to the life you’ve dreamed about?

Maybe it’s taking five minutes to sit in silence and just breathe. Maybe it’s saying no to something that doesn’t align with your values. Or maybe it’s saying yes to something you’ve been putting off for far too long.

Whatever it is, I want you to remember this: The magic is already within you. You just have to choose to ignite it.

Let’s choose to believe in the magic of what’s possible, friends. Let’s choose to create it.

Because every single day—yes, even today on the very last day of 2024—we have an opportunity to start fresh.

And as Josiyah Martin said, “The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.”

Friends, the words we see and read, the words we hear, and the words we say to ourselves about ourselves—what we’re doing and how we’re doing it—they all matter.


Have a great day.

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